Rhea pants
A: Front piece
B: Back piece
C : Waistband
D : Bag
E: Bag
A : A : Front piece
B: Back piece
C : Waistband
D : Bag
E: Bag
Needed: One meter of stretchy fabric. Elastic 3 cm wide.
1. Place pocket part E and the front piece on top of each other and stitch the pocket at the pocket entrance. Topstitch the bag.
2. Now place pocket part F against pocket part E, with the right sides together. Sew the pockets closed.
3. Now place the front piece against the back piece. Sew the outer seam of the trousers and then topstitch them.
4. Place the front piece on the back piece with right sides together, and now sew the inside leg seam.
5. You now have 2 pipes. Now place the legs on top of each other and pin the crotch seam in place. Now sew the crotch seam.
6. Fold the waistband (C), stitch it in place widthwise.
7. Fold the waistband in half. And place it against the waist of the pants. And Sew the waist. Leave 5 cm open, you will need this to thread the elastic through.
8. Pin the elastic to a safety pin and thread the elastic through the hem. Sew the elastic in place.