A. front piece
B. back piece
C. sleeve
D. sleeve cuff
E. sleeve
F. sleeve
G. collar
H. hip collar
A. front piece
B. back piece
C. sleeve
D. sleeve cuff
E. sleeve
F. sleeve
G. collar
H. hip collar
Needed: approximately 120 centimeters of sweat fabric, depending on your measurements.
1. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise.
2. Place patterns A, B, G and H against the fabric fold.
Place the other patterns on the fabric and cut out all the patterns with seams.
3. Sew the shoulder seams.
4. First stitch E and F together. Topstitch this seam.
5. Now stitch C to this. Also topstitch this seam.
6. Sew the sleeves to the shoulders.
7. Pin the seam of the sleeves and body. Stitch the seam of the body and sleeves together in one go.
8. Stitch the sleeve cuffs, hip cuffs and neck cuffs in width.
8. Fold the sleeve cuffs in half and pin and stitch them to the sleeves.
9. Also fold the hip edge and pin and stitch it to the bottom of the sweater.
10. Fold the collar, pin and stitch it to the neck of the sweater.